Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Map Pack Costs How Much?

[Don’t forget that you can check out my (deep breath) “2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa” demo impressions in my previous post.]

I mentioned in my 2010 FIFA World Cup demo impressions that I could understand if gamers were a bit peeved at the fact that World Cup is a full price game. This reminded me of the recent sales figures for the Modern Warfare 2 ‘Stimulus’ Map Pack. With only 3 new maps and 2 old maps the pack sold for a ridiculous $15 and the announcement of that price prompted the expected internet uproar. However, Activision recently announced that the pack sold a whopping 2.5 Million ‘copies’ (or downloads/or whatever)!

My initial thought upon hearing that news was “Great, every one of you fuckers who paid $15 has just screwed the rest of us because you’ve basically told the game industry that $5 per new multiplayer map is the going price.” However, when I think about how I didn’t really have a problem with spending $60 on a World Cup ‘update’ for FIFA 10, I guess it comes down to how individuals perceive value for money. For me, and the amount of play time I’ll spend with it I’m prepared to pay full price for a World Cup licensed FIFA game. Likewise, for the 12 year old snot nosed racist, homophobic shitheads who play Modern Warefare 2 $15 of daddy’s money is fine because they can get hours upon hours of enjoyment glitching the game, cheating and generally pwning noobs in the new maps.

I guess the bottom line is that if you feel strongly that a product/game is too pricey than instead of whining about it, just don’t buy it.......


PS I was kidding about my generalization of Modern Warefare 2 players. Not really.

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